Pump Station Shelter vs. Ice StormCase Study
Falling Tree Inflicts no Damage on Shelter Works Shelter
In addition to large pumping stations, there are many small pump houses that protect critical field equipment used in Fayetteville, Arkansas. One particular building protects a jet pump on a pneumatic tank at the bottom of the hill that allows water to flow to houses in a rural area of town.
During a large ice storm in 2010, a tree fell on the structure and damaged an antenna attached to the building. However, the structure itself didn’t have a dent in it. “As you can see, the building fared very well,” said Aaron Watkins, Pump and Tank Technician for the City of Fayetteville. In addition, because the building had vents, city workers were able to put a generator into the structure so that water could continue to flow despite the power outage. For the municipal employees of the City of Fayetteville, the challenge was to keep citizens supplied with basic needs during this time of crisis. “Even though many areas were without power for several weeks, no one went without water during that whole time,” he explained.
While earlier buildings have been made of concrete, this fiberglass shelter was specified as a prefabricated fiberglass building. When asked about why they chose a Shelter Works® fiberglass building, Watkins explained, “These premade Shelter Works buildings save time and money. They are more cost-efficient to install and easier to maintain long-term. It saves tremendously on labor. Everything comes prewired; the electrical systems are already in place. Because everything comes included, you just hook it up and you’re done.”