Fiberglass Building for Wastewater Sampler and Flow Meter Case Study
Swift Foods recently opened a new meat processing plant, in Moberly, MO, that produces ready-to-eat bacon. Meat processing is a water-intensive industry. Due to its high biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), in-house wastewater treatment is a top priority to eliminate strain on the local municipal sewage treatment system.
As part of their wastewater treatment program, Swift Foods monitors the plant process effluent to ensure it is within environmental parameters, prior to discharge into the municipal sewer system. They are using a Shelter Works fiberglass building to protect the flow meter and refrigerated wastewater sampler. The flow meter measures and monitors the volume of effluent released to the municipal system. The sampler pulls and stores composite samples for testing.

The 6’ x 6’ x 8’ fiberglass building has a 4’ x 4’ section of OSB reinforcement for in-field mounting of the flow transmitter. It also includes a standard 3-ft. door with a trip-proof threshold to allow the sampler to be easily moved in and out of the shelter if needed.
The enclosure also has a basic electrical package consisting of a j-box and receptacle with a factory wired HVAC package that includes a heater, thermostat, exhaust fan, and vent for temperature control.
Swift Foods worked with Shelter Works manufacturer’s representative Nick Davis, from Hydro-Kinetics, to purchase the shelter. Davis explained that although many wastewater samplers are designed for outdoor use, this end-user wanted additional protection to ensure the longest achievable lifespan for their equipment investment. They went with a Shelter Works fiberglass enclosure because they wanted a sturdy building that was manufactured off-site and delivered ready to install.
When asked about his experience working with Shelter Works on this project, he stated that it was, “Great! Despite supply shortages, Shelter Works managed to get the building on-site in just the nick of time.” The result was happy customers for both Hydro-Kinetics and Shelter Works.