Dakota Pump Lift Station Case Study
Dakota Pump Inc., located in Mitchell, South Dakota, is a multi-service company specializing in water and wastewater packaged pumping solutions as well as PLC and system automation. They recently used two Shelter Works fiberglass equipment enclosures to house the valves and controls for two of their sewerage lift station packages.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Collection Systems Technology Fact Sheet, Sewers, Lift Station (2020), explains that “Lift stations are used to move wastewater from lower to higher elevation, particularly where the elevation of the source is not sufficient for gravity flow and/or when the use of gravity conveyance will result in excessive excavation depths and high sewer construction costs.” These 8’ x 8’ x 6’ shelters act as the above grade dry vaults for the piping, valves, and electrical controls for a submersible lift station, where the pumps operate submerged in a wet well.

The shelters have four 4’ x 4’ doors with 2-point door hardware on each side for easy access to the equipment and controls. Each enclosure includes a shutter-mounted exhaust fan and thermostat to keep the pumps from getting overheated, extending the lifecycle of the pumps and surrounding pipes. They arrived at Dakota Pump ready to be dropped in place and affixed onto epoxy coated, steel-reinforced steel bases skid.
According to Bill Sebert, co-owner of Dakota Pump, fiberglass is an industry standard for protecting submersible pump piping, valves, and controls from weather and other factors that can cause unnecessary damage. The strength of fiberglass, its impact resistance, and its resilience to prolonged exposure to humidity and moisture provide the perfect solution for equipment protection in the water and wastewater industries.
When asked about his experience working with Shelter Works, Sebert stated that it was “Very good. Good people to work with and the product they provide is great quality.